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Read on for exclusive tips and information. At Belle Vie Beauty, we’re constantly keeping ourselves up-to-date with the latest and greatest products and techniques in the industry. We’ll give you tips and explain how things work in an understandable, easy-to-read format. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask our stylists!

Expert Tips on How to Grow Your Hair Longer and Stronger
Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc. Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc.

Expert Tips on How to Grow Your Hair Longer and Stronger

They say a watched pot never boils, and, similarly, it can seem like watched hair never grows. Whether you’re experiencing scissor remorse or simply craving a longer style, there’s no denying that waiting for your hair to grow can be a painstakingly long process (no pun intended). Happily, it no longer has to be.

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What Causes Hair Static and How to Fight it
Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc. Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc.

What Causes Hair Static and How to Fight it

Frizz and fly-aways happen to the best of us. No matter how often we moisturize our hair during the winter, escaping static electricity seems impossible. To better understand how to tame your hair static, you find need to know a little bit more about what causes it.

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Dealing with An Oily Scalp And Dry Ends
Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc. Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc.

Dealing with An Oily Scalp And Dry Ends

Everyone’s hair is unique. But, for many, it is also your crowning glory. You may not be able to control the hair you were born with, but you can certainly make it look fantastic daily! The key is to understand your hair and know the best way of dealing with it. You’re not the only one with an oily scalp and dry ends. The good news is that you’re in the right place to do something about it.

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5 Hair-Care Tips from Women with Beautiful Hair
Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc. Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc.

5 Hair-Care Tips from Women with Beautiful Hair

Do you want long smooth hair, but all you get after a shower is a frizzy bunch of tangles that take hours to fix? Most women try to maintain their hair but fail to do it properly because they aren’t aware of the hair-care tips. So, here are a few essential guidelines from women with great hair that you can follow:

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6 Tips for a Healthy Scalp
Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc. Hair Health Belle Vie Beauty Inc.

6 Tips for a Healthy Scalp

Did you know that caring for your scalp can protect your gorgeous locks and improve your overall health? Here are 6 tips you can start doing today to pamper yourself and keep your scalp healthy.

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