Belle Vie Beauty

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5 Hair-Care Tips from Women with Beautiful Hair

Do you want long smooth hair, but all you get after a shower is a frizzy bunch of tangles that take hours to fix? Most women try to maintain their hair but fail to do it properly because they aren’t aware of the hair-care tips. So, here are a few essential guidelines from women with great hair that you can follow:

1. Avoid heat styling

Heat styling is sometimes necessary, but don’t make it a habit. Ideally, you should use steam rollers as they don’t get too warm and are gentle on the hair. Moreover, they heat the hair using steam that passes through the foam on to the roller. Try to stay away from conventional heating tools such as curling irons, hot rollers, flat irons, wands, and blow dryers. Even top hair treatment service providers suggest that it is wise to use steam rollers.

2. Sleep on silk

Your hair needs to rest on a soft and smooth texture while you are asleep, and there is no better fabric than silk to meet that requirement. Silk doesn’t roughen your hair cuticles. Women think that cotton is more comfortable to sleep on, but it is not healthy for your hair. Cotton is not as smooth as silk, and that’s why women who have beautiful hair recommend not to sleep on cotton, but to use silk pillow covers while sleeping.

3. Don’t the skimp the moisturizer

Like you moisturize your hands and face, your scalp skin should also get the same treatment to provide a strong foundation for your hair. This not only reduces hair fall but also allows hair to grow quickly. Always condition your hair whenever you shampoo. Invest in an organic conditioner, and try to use a wooden comb reduce the split ends.

4. Don’t expose your hair to sunlight

While it is sometimes impossible to cover all the hair when you are out, hair care specialists suggest that you should limit your time in the sun to avoid overexposure of your hair to the UV rays. Apart from these rays, there is too much dirt and dust around to damage your hair. If you are going to the beach, spray a heat protectant SPF on damp hair to avoid any damage.

5. Use the right amount of hair care product

Too much shampoo and conditioner may not be appropriate for your hair. It is best to concentrate on the first few inches from the scalp to ensure that the roots are getting most of the nutrients and vitamins from the hair care products. Use the conditioner from the mid-shaft until the end where your hair tends to get drier and are more prone to split ends.

Hair maintenance needs time, and most importantly, you need the knowledge to care for your hair. These tips from hair care specialists and passionate hair protective women can help keep your hair beautiful and soft as you want.